Welcome to My Brother's Keeper

We are dedicated to bringing awareness to the untimely deaths of Jake and Tj, at the hands of a careless individual. Our mission is to honor their lives and provide additional information about events dedicated to their memory.

In Remembrance of Jake Hawkins and Tj Fuller

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

Jake's Story

Although Jake is no longer with us, we can describe the story of his life, that was cut too short.

Memorial Events, and more

Our page provides additional information about events organized in memory of Jake and Tj.

Tj's Story

Despite Tj no longer being with us, we can explain the legacy he left behind, before he was so carelessly taken. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Contact the Administrators to this website?

You may visit our "Contact" tab on this website, or email justiceforjaketj@gmail.com

How can I get involved in honoring Jake and Tj's memory?

You can get involved by participating in our events, sharing our message, and reaching out to offer support or share your story.

"We as parents are genuinely thankful for a website created in memory of our sons, Jake and Tj. Although we know a website won't bring our sons back, it is comforting to read the stories and see the pictures included on this page."

— The Parents of Jake and Tj

Contact us

Reach out to us for support, questions, or to share your story. We are here for you.

Social Media 

About us

My Brother's Keeper-Jake and Tj was founded in loving memory of Jake and Tj, two vibrant souls whose lives were cut short. We are committed to honoring their legacy by providing event information, raising awareness, and advocating for Justice. Our team is dedicated to making a positive impact and fostering a community of compassion and understanding.